You've found us! Here you will learn who we are, what we do, and how you can join in on the fun! We welcome new members year round. Our Cake Club was founded in 2006 and during this time we have delighted in each other's company and creativity. During our monthly meetings you will always learn a new skill while staying in the know of what's happening in our club as well as throughout the Bay Area's Cake and Sugar Art World.
Events that are planned on a regular basis are our Round Robin events, which are filled with exciting demonstrations and learning new techniques, Field Trips to local businesses and companies, and of course our yearly CAKE SHOW!!
We have an incredibly talented and knowledgeable membership! And we are not bragging, simply stating... come join us and delight in all things sugar! We hope to meet you soon!
MEETING INFORMATION - We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm at the First Lutheran Church, 4000 Concord Blvd, Concord, 94520 - in the Education Room. With the changes the pandemic has placed on us, we have also met online. Check out our calendar for more information on planned events.
As a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization, that is dedicated to the encouragement of cake decorating and sugar art. We hold events which raise money to provide support various organizations such as CASA of Contra Costa County and the Contra Costa College Culinary program. Our members make decorated birthday cakes for children within the foster care system, host various activities throughout the year for CASA youth, and have provided scholarships for students from the Contra Costa College Culinary program. Members have also shared their skills with JUVO by offering workshops to students in their summer programs. Members have also demonstrated their decorating skills at the Marin County Fair, The Alameda County Fair and the Contra Costa County Fair.
2024 has already been a busy year with in person meetings, and several scheduled activities, which include our Round Robin events. Check out our Event calendar for updates on what's coming up next. Plans are in the works for in person events/ activities in the March, June, October and December. In person meetings are scheduled at the First Lutheran Church this year.
We had a great time at our 2023 events which included: A Tea Party, a BBQ, our Annual Cake Show and our Holiday Party. Become a member and stay in the loop!
Go to our Calendar for more information on upcoming events.
2024-2026 Board Members
Farzana Hadi, President Kelli Segers, 1st Vice President Thelma Howland, 2nd Vice President Cindy Variz, Treasurer Rachel Aziminia-Maldonado, Secretary Linda Moreno, Newsletter/Historian